Today, the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) approved Dakota Access’s permit application following an extensive review.
The MAIN Coalition’s Chairman, Ed Wiederstein, issued the following statement upon approval:
I want to thank the Iowa Utilities Board for its careful and thorough review of the Dakota Access Pipeline project. This decision is a victory for Iowa, which will gain through the Dakota Access Pipeline much-needed access to a safe, reliable supply of domestic energy that will fuel our state, region and country. There is no safer, more cost-effective way to improve our energy supply than to build pipeline infrastructure. I look forward to watching Iowa draw upon its many benefits for years to come and thank the IUB for the careful deliberation and thoughtful decision.
Bill Gerhard, President of the Iowa State Building and Constructions Trade Council, said the following after hearing of the IUB’s announcement:
The Iowa State Building and Construction Trades Council commends the Iowa Utilities Board for their approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Board carefully considered the public’s input, the merits of the project, and the thousands of Iowans who will benefit from its construction. Their decision supports the long- and short-term needs of both Iowa’s workers and our national security as we find paths to utilize American energy resources in the safest, most efficient way.
Mike Ralston, President of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry, commended the IUB on their announcement:
On behalf of the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (ABI), I commend the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) for approving construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline through our state. ABI, which has been a unified voice for business in Iowa since 1903, recognizes the value this project brings to our region in terms of new jobs, increased tax revenue, economic growth and affordable fuel to power local manufacturing, agricultural and other fuel-reliant businesses. The sooner construction of the pipeline proceeds, the sooner Iowa businesses and employees will begin to reap the economic benefits of the project.
Dwight Baldwin, President of the Iowa State Grange, applauded the approval the approval:
The Iowa State Grange applauds the Iowa Utilities Board approval of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Dakota Access represents an opportunity for Iowa to benefit from American energy that will help lower farmers’ costs throughout our state. We are pleased this project will be constructed in a manner that puts agricultural interests at the forefront of construction plans and will respect the integrity of our land.
Dawn Carlson, President and CEO of the Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores of Iowa, stated the following on the news of the approval:
The Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Stores of Iowa is proud to see the Iowa Utilities Board green-light the Dakota Access pipeline project. The Dakota Access Pipeline will continue to grow Iowa’s economy by increasing energy access for agriculture and industry as well as create new opportunities for workers within our own association, as well as the laborers and manufacturers required to construct this project.