During President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress last night, the President mentioned the job creating ability of investing in pipeline infrastructure, including the Dakota Access Pipeline.
It’s worth noting that while there remains much to invest in across America to deliver our energy resources to American consumers – the Dakota Access Pipeline has created nearly 12,000 jobs throughout its construction.
Good paying construction jobs represent the backbone of life-long careers for thousands of Americans; all of whom rely on functional energy and transportation infrastructure every day to fuel their cars, drive to work, heat their homes, and buy products for their family.
Some critics of energy infrastructure deride these positions as merely temporary, but the reality is that construction – by nature – is a temporary endeavor. But sustained investment in our nation’s future through infrastructure projects like Dakota Access or countless other pipeline projects, means that people employed in the construction industry can build a sustainable career, as well as the infrastructure our country needs to move our economy in a positive direction. Combined with jobs supported throughout the supply chain which provides the materials and equipment to construct pipelines, investment in energy represent an investment that spans far beyond the wellhead, pipeline, or refinery.