In the coming weeks, the National Association of Manufacturers and the MAIN Coalition are publishing advertisements in response to the latest developments regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline in coordination with the National Association of Manufacturers. In addition, the MAIN Coalition has launched Standing Rock Fact Checker to investigate the facts surrounding this project.
After two years of rigorous review, consultations, and planning, state regulatory bodies of four states and the federal government gave final approvals to build the Dakota Access Pipeline. Thousands of American workers have labored to already complete half of the pipeline, at a cost of $1.4 billion — all in private money.
But last week, the Obama Administration announced a plan to “reconsider… previous decisions” regarding a single crossing of the pipeline. The letter came despite a federal judge’s decision to allow construction to continue, and despite a lack of jurisdiction over the regulatory process in question by either the Department of Interior or Department of Justice.
Continued delay of a portion of the project and after the fact reconsideration of permits and approvals undermine the very regulatory process the government created.
No American company would dare expend years of effort and billions of dollars weaving through the regulatory process to receive the necessary permits and agreements, only to be faced with additional regulatory impediments and be shutdown halfway through completion.
The administration’s final decision should reflect science and engineering – not political pressure.
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the MAIN Coalition, a partnership of agricultural, business and labor groups, support the economic development and energy security benefits associated with infrastructure projects including the Dakota Access Pipeline.