The Boston Herald editorial board questioned the decision by the Obama Administration to not issue the easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline at Lake Oahe making reference to a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by North Dakota Representative Kevin Cramer.
“According to U.S. Rep. Kevin [C]ramer [sic] (R-N.D.) writing in The Wall Street Journal, the original 1,142-mile route (from North Dakota oil fields to Illinois refineries) was modified 140 times in response to comments from other tribes and commenters in a process the tribe said was not “real” consultation. The tribe’s participation consisted mostly of statements that it didn’t want the pipeline around.
Various other Missouri crossings are nearby, Kramer wrote. The oil pipeline was to have been placed beside an existing natural gas pipeline 100 feet below the riverbed. None of the affected land is owned by the tribe.”
There are many questions left unanswered, including the legality of such an action after an entire review process was completed. As the board notes, “Answers would be good. A plan B for safely getting the oil to market would be even better.”