Influential North Dakota blog site Say Anything Blog published an article regarding yesterday’s vote to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline, calling the project “a sign of hope.” The blog asserts:
As important as the Keystone XL pipeline was, and still is, to North Dakota’s energy infrastructure needs the Dakota Access pipeline is even more so. While the Keystone line originates in Canada, the Dakota Access line would start in North Dakota near Stanley (…) Meaning this project isn’t about oil production anywhere but in North Dakota.
The investment in the regional energy infrastructure is going full steam ahead despite the tough economic conditions that have set in recently for the state’s energy industry. Foreign nations have kept their oil production at uneconomical levels in order to force the United States to abandon its march towards energy independence. Despite that, the Dakota Access Pipeline is going ahead, confident in the region’s ability to persevere through the storm and to be a driver of America’s economy.
Read the full text of the article here.