Kauzlarich: Invest in American Energy, Enforce the Rule Of Law

A new op-ed by former U.S. Ambassador Richard Kauzlarich was published today in The Hill. Kauzlarich discussed how last week’s House Energy and Commerce hearing emphasizes the need to complete the Dakota Access Pipeline and invest in America’s infrastructure.

Kauzlarich says, “Regulatory oversight of such projects is important, and the United States maintains a strong tradition of enforcing the rule of law. We also have a tradition of ensuring that the voices of local communities affected by such projects are heard. Government at all levels has a responsibility to ensure the rule of law is followed to the letter of the law.”

Throughout the DAPL permitting process the concerns of local communities were addressed by both the state and federal governments and upon the issuance of permits by both entities, the permits carry the force of law and should remain enforced as such. According to Kauzlarich, “Private investment is critical for the production and distribution of U.S. energy resources. The integrity our legal and regulatory structure is critical to ensuring this investment.”

Without the government’s willingness to enforce the rule of law – America’s energy revolution could come to a halt. Thankfully, with construction proceeding on DAPL following action by the Trump Administration to adhere to Corps of Engineers’ recommendation for completion, the rule of law has been established and will ensure America sees this  important project through to completion.