A steady rise in oil production in North Dakota’s Bakken Region is sending local employers looking to fill hundreds of new positions needed to keep up with a growing workload. According to the Fargo Forum, the Job Service North Dakota estimates that there are between 1,000 and 1,500 job openings in northwest North Dakota.
“We need people,” said the manager of the Job Service’s Williston office, Cindy Sanford.
Among those looking to fill positions is oilfield services provider Nuverra Environmental Solutions, which is currently having to turn down work due to a lack of manpower. The company is seeking to hire up to 500 new truck drivers, which according to Bill Milner of Rockwater Energy Solutions, is a position in high demand across the region.
Ron Ness, president of the North Dakota Petroleum Council, noted that the industry may need to get creative in their marketing of new job openings. Ness also stressed that it is important for job seekers to point out that the availability of affordable housing has increased for workers looking to come to the area.
Looking ahead, Daniel Stenberg, economic development coordinator for McKenzie County, said he’s looking to host a job fair in Watford City later this year. “They have plenty of work and not enough employees right now,” Stenberg said.