As a member of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), I am proud to support the Dakota Access Pipeline project and the benefits that it will bring to the many hardworking organized craft workers across the State of Iowa. Key infrastructure projects like this support the life-long careers of tens of thousands of construction workers like myself. Together we make up a highly trained and professional workforce that has extensive experience building safe and reliable pipelines. Furthermore, we frequently participate in ongoing training programs that allow us to employ construction standards that often exceed federal guidelines and regulations.
In Iowa, the Dakota Access project will support thousands of local well-paying jobs that will support families across our state. Construction jobs like these offer families a beacon of hope that their shot at realizing the American Dream is not just a dream but reality that can and should happen. There is no doubt that this project is key to America’s energy future, but the Dakota Access pipeline is more than just an infrastructure project, it’s an investment in the people of Iowa.
Chad Carter is a Business Representative with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 234.