In a supportive opinion piece that both corrected false claims made by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and highlighted the benefits of the Dakota Access Pipeline project was published today in the Grand Forks Herald.
In the op-ed, MAIN Coalition spokesman Craig Stevens writes, “Protests of the long overdue and nearly completed Dakota Access Pipeline are growing despite the mountains of evidence showing that the wrongs alleged by angry demonstrators simply never happened.”
In fact, project leaders and regulators participated over 550 meetings with community leaders, elected officials, and organizations in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. Members of the public had ample opportunity to comment for public record, and in many cases opponents of the project were never present.
Now as claims emerge that the pipeline was “fast-tracked,” Mr. Stevens contends “Furthermore, the records show that the Corps did not “fast track” the pipeline’s approval. On the contrary, the court concluded that the Corps properly approved all construction projects over which it had jurisdiction and at times went the extra mile (again) to address tribal concerns. The Corps’ handing of Dakota Access Pipeline permits has now been upheld by two federal courts. After sifting through years’ worth of federal and tribal records, four federal judges found no evidence to support any of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s claims.”