Earlier this afternoon a U.S. appeals court denied tribes’ request for an emergency order that would have temporarily prohibited oil from flowing through the Dakota Access Pipeline 90 feet under Lake Oahe. The MAIN Coalition expects construction of the pipeline to be completed within the next few days and oil to move through the double-walled pipeline under the lake early next week.
In response to the Court’s denial, MAIN Coalition spokesman Craig Stevens released the following statement:
“The Courts’ consistent support of the pipeline in these proceedings is the result of the company’s and Army Corps of Engineers’ dogged compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Although it is frustrating that those opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline are using the courts in a seemingly endless attempt to thwart this lawful project, we are heartened that the judges have continued to rule on the merits.
We hope that the Courts’ action, as well as President Trump’s promise to make infrastructure development in the U.S. easier and more predictable, will lead to more investment; ultimately creating jobs and strengthening our economy.”